Greenland Ropes Demo
Jöns Aschan will demonstrate and instruct more than 10 different "qattaarneq" moves on Low Ropes and possibly a few of the High Ropes moves. As gymnastics on dry land they resemble and prepare a Greenland Rolling paddler for situations that may occur in surf and during seal/whale hunting from a kayak and on the water. Rolling used to be common knowledge and skill that hunters mastered since at least a thousand years back. With the introduction on composite material boats and fuel powered engines many of these skills were lost. In recent years Greenland Rolling Championships have been organised on Greenland, and Inuit have started to re-establish the skills of building and handling skin-on-frame kayaks. Maligiuaq Padilla is perhaps the best known person who actively travels to isolated Inuit schools and teaches skin-on-frame boat building and kayak handling. Dubside is the rolling-rockstar who is giving demonstrations, documenting, judging and setting up national competions on Greenland rolling.
Jöns has pioneered Greenland Rope rolling in Finland primarily to improve his own rolling, but also to help and introduce other people to skills that improve paddler safety on the water. Besides - rolling is fun and rewarding as skills improve. Your first roll is usually the hardest to learn. While a few people of many roll by first attempt with minimal instruction.