Our kayak park consists of two Valley Nordkapp PE, five Prijon Barracuda with rudders, one Prijon TourYak with rudder, one Prijon Kodiak with rudder, one Prijon Excursion, one Wilderness Systems Northstar, one Stuer Kayaks Tiger K1 flat water race kayak, one polo kayak, a couple of junior kayaks. There is also wood strip kayaks for various purposes: a flat botton low volume Greenland style woodstrip/epoxy kayak "Fragrance" perfect for rolling sessions using euro or greenland paddle, a hybrid sea kayak in woodstrip/epoxy "Blade" for distance travel, an unnamed UK style woodstrip/epoxy sea kayak and an extreme closed cockpit-surfski type woodstrip/epoxy kayak.


To book we kindly ask you to go to the webshop and tours there.

We offer 13+ kayak seats in singles and tandems used for training, tours and renting:

- Valley Nordkapp PE
- Prijon Barracuda with rudders
- Prijon TourYak with rudder
- Prijon Kodiak with rudder
- Prijon Excursion (tandem)
- Wilderness Systems Northstar (tandem)
- Stuer Kayaks Tiger K1 flat water race kayak
- polo kayak
- junior kayaks.

- Fragrance Greenland style woodstrip/epoxy kayak
- Blade hybrid sea kayak in woodstrip/epoxy
- Nalike UK style woodstrip/epoxy sea kayak
- SeaStrip "Needle" closed cockpit-surfski type woodstrip/epoxy kayak.


Paddlingsfabriken can offer custom kayak designs, courses and coaching, as well as source building material and build the kayak for you. If you are lacking the proper space to build, let us know, we might be able to find an appropriate space for you.

Jöns at Paddlingsfabriken has designed and built close to ten woodcomposite kayaks of varying designs. The construction techinques used have been stitch & glue as well as strip built hulls. The main focus has been on experimenting with form and function. Less with ornaments and layouts of colored strips.

Sheduled events, courses and prices are available to buy on the webshop.

Cannot find the one you need?: - e-mail or call us.

Course and assessment outlines from different bodies can be found here. They have similarities. They also target different environments, levels and coaching steps. Our thoughts will appear in descriptions on how certain techniques should be performed. The advantage of a skilled coach is that he/she can introduce you to skills and knowledge that you did not realise that existed and can expand the knowledge you already have.

Handmade wooden kayaks are on offer. They are durable and lightweight, easy to maintain. Our standard is that the wood is laminated and enclosed with fiberglass and epoxy resin, creating a strong and long lasting hull. The bottom is covered with at least two layers of fiberglassweave allowing more abrasion resistance.

- Handmade neopren tuiliks and spraydecks

- Handmade greenland style wooden paddles 

We do also have dealership agreements on kayak and equipment brands imported by Bear & Water, as well as sell used kayaks.