{jcomments on}Fragrance low volume design makes rolling easier to learn, and with some comfort for your legs. Especially the back deck is so low that it is constantly flushed by water. The watertight hatch cover gets a new meaning. Even a small leak could quickly fill up the boat hatch. Edge and half the hatch will be submerged. We did manage to construct a hatch cover that is even tighter and easier to handle than most commercially sold factory hatches, while still using wood. Our goal is to have a hatch - even on this low volume kayak - that could allow keeping spareclothes dry even spred loosley in the hatch. The covers are still easy to open and close.
\r\nMeasures: Length 534 cm, width 47 cm, weight 18,4 cm, cockpit rim length/width 59/40 cm, front edge height 22 cm, front hatch volume 60 litres, rear hatch 60 litres. Skeg and footrests are adjustable.
Jöns used the kayak för half an hour in the breaking waves seen in the picture below. A couple of times it was bow in the sand and tail in the air close to flipping over.
"Fragrance Test" is made during out of the first testpaddles in May 2011. Several finnishing improvements have been made since than. Especially to improve the functionality of the hatches. The front hatch is always dry now.
Sam Crowley from Sea Kayak Specialists in Michigan paticipated in Hanko Sea Kayak Gathering in August 2011 as a guest coach. He was all smiles and impressed after trying out Fragrance.
Starting to roll is easier and you get the chance to feel the roll in slow motion with the proper equipment. The Greenland Inuits used tuiliks to stay warm during hunting on cold waters. The tuilik allows for free flow of body heat in all of the kayak, and it gives some extra floatation in case of a capsize. It also keeps water out. This tuilik is made of neoprene to fit the small cockpit of the greenlander. Also your socks are likely to stay dry while you paddle in waves that flush over the kayak.
"Balance brace" or floating beside the kayak is a good exersize in perfecting your special rolls. You can try many different body, kayak, paddle and water positions also in slow motion and notice the effects. The greenland paddle with some volume helps even more.