"- After two weeks of crisscrossing we still have lots of new places to go"
The above statement was made by a German client after coming back from his two week kayaking experience. We are pleased to assist you on your trip. We can instruct you on how to handle the kayak in different situations. Our guides can show you and tell you about places you could not have reached alone. You are also free to go on your own provided you have the skills and experience to navigate and find your way.
We can organise meals for you and your friends. Tell us what you would really like and we will go from there!
Ekenäs by sea
If shorter sightseeing is your trade an "Ekenäs by sea" guided tour might be what you need. You have though be prepared to paddle yourself to experience this small town from a different perspective. The old church will appear to be the guardian of the town, and depending on your preferences you may choose open views or narrow romantic flower bordered channels hidden between the reed in shallow bays. Combine this with a visit to Naturumet by the peer in Ekenäs. They illustrate the archipelago and the national park in an excellent way.
This sandy romantic bay is lit up by the first beams of the morning sun. It has a well of fresh water flowing constantly out to sea. This well (called Dagmarskällan from the late Danish pricess who married Russian tsar Alexander III) has given this bay its name. The tsar family enjoyed several summer visits here, and so I believe you will too. Källviken is approximately 5 kilometers from Ekenäs to the southwest. Late afternoon the bay will be shaded by the forest circumventing Källviken, and it is time to move on.
Skåldö fiskebod
Enthusiastic for shopping? This destination is excellent for buying the things you forgot to buy at the supermarket or replacing the food you ate on your way here. This is a fairly small but well provisioned archipelago shop that has its busiest times during summer weekends. You will find a cafe and restraurant (summer) here too. Skåldö fiskebod is located to the southwest on the Sommarö island - 5 kilometers onwards through "Odensö kanal" and south off Källviken. (Position on the map, Marker "F")
Grytskär cottage
The skerrie of Grytskär is part of the Ekenäs National Park and can be said to be on the border to the open sea. Sheltered routes from mainland and from Ekenäs can be chosen. The cottage with sauna is operated by Paddlingsfabriken for paddlers joining our tours, training sessions or custom booked tours. Accommodation and dinners can be offered here. View the calendar on this site for events or contact Paddlingsfabriken for booking a custom tour. Location of Grytskär on the map.
Gullö south side
South of Gullö you will find nice cliffs to have a picknick and rest on. To get there you can go either through the natural "Odensö sundet" channel or through the man made "Jomalvik kanal" channel built in 1938 - 1955. The shortest distance rounding the Gullö island and passing both channels back to Ekenäs is 20 kilometers. The route is sheltered and can be made by beginners in a day, the fastest kayakers do this round in under 100 minutes. Take something to eat and drink with you.
Visit the Ekenäs national park and Rödjan
The distance from SkÃ¥ldö Fiskebod is approximately 8 km, depending a little bit on the route you choose. You may go through narrow and sheltered passages or take the route past wast open waters. Rödjan used to be a true fishermans home. Today it is restored and kept as a museum. For opening - ask for a guided tour with Padllingsfabriken check opening hours with Naturrummet in the town of Ekenäs.
Visit Jussarö island:
This destination requires some experience not so much because of the distance but since the island can be reached only via open sea. The also has some magnetic disturbances which may hamper your navigation, especially when the sight is poor because of sudden mist blowing in from the open sea. You may also be caught by wind and difficult waves rolling in from the sea and flushing the rocks. The harbour area north of the island is fairly safe, protected and usually calm.
Here is where the world rises out from the sea. To go further you need to be an experienced sea paddler. It is breathtaking to glide between the sea-wave cleaned rocks. Simple they are but still majestetic, untouchable by the mighty sea. During storms fontains of white water is reaching to the sky, you can hear, feel and see how mighty the sea is. If caught in the fight of land and water you will need all your kayaking skills and more to survive.
Routes to paddle in the Ekenäs archipelago:
- The 14th century Ruins of Raseborg - Ekenäs city, approximately. 19 km, 3-4 hours. (Cookings can be ordered for a rest halfway)
- Starting from Ekenäs and rounding the island of Gullö, approximately 20 km, 3-5 hours required.
- Ekenäs - the sandy beach of Källviken with its well of fresh water - Ekenäs, ca 10 km, 2-3 hours. This is one place where the last Russian tsar used to spend some of his Summer holidays.
- Paddling in the Nationalpark of Ekenäs, to Jussarö mine in the outer border of the Archipelago or visits to other humanmade remnants.
- Visit to Rödjan on Älgö in the National park. Rödjan is a Fishermans home made a museum. On display is history of the Family and living the years before 1940. (Ekenäs - Sommarö 10km + Sommarö - Rödjan 8km)